Well hello to all of you out there who is still persevering and reading these things i call blog post. Or maybe my journal gone public but then that sounds like i don't have a life and i would like to retain some dignity so i will say i am killing 2 birds with 1 stone.... keeping you all updated and taking record for my doing for my later in life enjoyment.
Well it is nice and balmy here some rain through out the week but not as much as the forecast predicted. So that is always nice when you don't get your plans denture continuously by the rain falling on our roof. any way i guess i'll continue in like Crystal fashion and go through my days one day at a time. :)
Monday: well lets see if i can remember what happened...Well if you remember we had a family over for Sunday lunch....Well the next day (Monday) Rebekah came to school with a envelope full of tea from her mother who got it in England! Let me tell you it is really good tea!And am still drinking it as she gave me quite a lot. So anyway that evening we had Shavoi over and since it was my turn to cook i tried making this hash brown, eggs stuff which turned out tasting nice but looked awful!:b but any way.
Tuesday: We had school and one of my kids did art class for us he taught every one how to make boats and hats. He loved it since he is very much the creative type witch can also be challenging when paper airplanes go flying through the air doing class. That afternoon was kids club witch went pretty well. We then were invited over to Sarah and Lori's for supper and we stayed around some of the evening.
Wednesday: School as usual. trip to town.
Thursday: we had school and then we went up to Laura to here the revival speaker preach. That evening we were expecting to host one of Kendall and Gingers company a girl that actually goes to Natalie's church as well. But there flight was delayed till the next evening.
Friday: Ya! no school. Natalie and the rest of us made donuts and we had the teachers over for coffee and donuts. So we had a nice relaxing morning!
It was so nice to have a break we went to the beach. That evening we (us single people) took Pastor John and Miss Rachel out for dinner because they are leaving the 19th of November. We went to a Chinese place and the food was great def. made a lot of memories that night as well. Well then after that Sheila our guest comes in and with her a whole bunch of cheese, coffee, and candy, and chocolate!!!! Man if you want to win us over let me tell you just bring these three things and we will put up with a lot! But no i do not mean that we had to put up a lot with Sheila rather it was the opposite she made us cookies and brownies to beat the band. In fact we do NOT sell those cookies to anyone because we are just a little greedy about them although Amanda did give one away.But i am getting ahead of my self this didn't happen till Tuesday.
Saturday: Grenada's Thanksgiving day!! That morning Natalie and me went with Kendall's and there visitors (Gingers sister and her husband and child and Sheila, Gingers niece i think) to the beach. They dropped us of at Grand Ann's and the three of us hung out there while they went to another more private beach. That day Amanda couldn't come along because she was helping to pass out invitations to people in Willis a town about a half hour away were we were going to have a crusade and kids club at. That afternoon we had a joint church attendee's picnic with Laura and Limes at a field here in LaBorie. It was a fun a lil different then how we would celebrate Thanksgiving but not bad. The men played football and rugby and us woman sat around and chatted or entertained the children. We had fried chicken, pie (mac&cheese pie), cabbage salad and an assortment of brownies and cookies.
Sunday: It was really nice i taught Sunday school. For lunch i made chicken and pasta salad and i cant remember if there was anything else or not. I was going to try to make breadfuit punch but then it didn't work out to get a breadfruit from Shavoni because they didn't have any that was ripe. But anyway.
Monday: School started up again. Shavoi came over and we had a lot of the local boys over who go to bible study at James and Ryan's over to our place for pizza because two of the boys had birthdays the week before and we had promised to do something for it. They sat out on our door step and were there normal loud, rambunctious selves. It was a good evening.
Tuesday: School we made lighting bugs out of pop cans,paper, pipe cleaner and glow sticks for art.That afternoon we had interviews with the board member. Amanda and me then went down for bible club it was my last time for the month it went pretty good.
Wednesday: school
Thursday: School. We had the crusade up at Willis. It went pretty well except that one man was there the whole night passing back and forth cussing us out the whole time whether he was agreeing with us or disagreeing. He def. was high. When we first saw him he was dressed only in a shirt and then later on he left and came back with only pants on then.
Friday: school, teachers meal at Kendall's
Saturday: Lime youth and LaBorie youth went up to Willis to have a kids ministry. Limes did the singing and skits and we did the games and snack. It was a lot of fun but people said who had helped with it last year said there wasn't as nearly as many kids this year... after that we went to a falls nearby it was nice feeling sorta cold water! We then drove up to a lake to eat our lunch and then hiked a mountain that i barely made up! it was really pretty though you couldn't see out much because of the clouds i actually saw clouds beneath me!
Sunday: We had an amazing serves! It is so much fun coming to church and after prayer see who all shows up! We were blessed to have a family who use to come to church come back after about a year they said they felt loved and a home here. The mom and one of her daughters use to be members..there are two other girls in the family, i don't know were the dad is...Its kinda cool one of the girls are really close to my age. I guess i kinda miss hanging out with girls my age. So i don't know it would be nice to develop a relationship with her. Her and her sister might want to have bible study so i will prolly help with that some.
Monday: school, Shavoni over for devotions. I am so proud of her she! Amanda gave her a veil to wear so she has now started wearing it and she is interested in baptism! Its a little nerve racking for her though with her going to collage. She was pretty nerves to go to school the next time. But man do you blame her? Anyway she did good!
Tuesday: school, Bible club in Hopeveil
Wednesday: school, Preparatory serves here in LaBorie with the Limes group.
Thursday: school, staff meeting, counsel
Wow this would prolly rank with one of the worst day of my life kinda of day. No, no one died or anything. But it was a really stressful day with one of my kids who really tested me and made me feel like he hated me. i won't go into details because its the climax (hopefully) that has been building for a long time with this kid.I don't know what was my problem but i really took it hard and couldn't get over it took the whole rest of the week and weekend for me to get over it emotionally. And Monday i was actually nerves! But through it all God was there.
Friday: We finished up dealing with the issue of Thursday and them promptly one of my i thought above reproof kids destroyed what very little bit of faith in humanity i had left by lying about not cheating and then framing someone else.This took quite a process to find out every thing after lashes tears talks with principle and then in the end a spanking and more tears from her and me...after being so emotionally drained i couldn't keep them in. Friday morning or was is Thursday night i had prayed that i could be able to connect better with my kids at lunch break and so lunch break with out me hardly thinking about it i was able to have a nice relaxing lunch time with my kids so that is one thing i look back on although i don't remember everything that happened and know that God was with me through this stressful week. One thing that killed me was since its games class in the afternoon and all the kids can bring cloth to change into that is not their uniforms. Well anyway Renel had brought a shirt but not a skirt so she decided to implement a skirt with her jumper by zipping it up only to her waist and then let the rest hang down! So she comes walking into class during lunch after she had changed and with my frazzled nerves there was nothing stopping me from having a full out laughing breakdown right there.(yes normally i try not to laugh at them in front of them but not today) Poor girl she was so confused i tried talking to her but i was laughing to hard so i took her out of class and once i had calmed down enough i helped her put on her jumper properly! groan i am laughing as i type this...
Saturday: Thank-God for weekends!!!!! We went to the beach! and had a pretty calm day..
Sunday: I've told you before sundays around here are amazing! Today one of the teen boys here that we have really wanting to come to church came to church today. He has been kinda searching we could tell for a while and he didn't really want to come to church cuz he knew that people would talk about it around Laborie. Anyway Kavona if you remember her...she is this guys sister. We had her and her two kids and her brother and the guys over for lunch.
Monday: I was rather nerves but it went pretty good...im still recovering. Had Shavoni over.She's doing pretty good. so i was rooting around in our storage/cleaning room place under our steps and suddenly focus in on the rat trap i had put in there sunday so it was out of sight for our visitors and find we had caught a rat! What was it a few days ago we had a pear that was on the counter bitten into with teeth marks that were recognized my Amanda and Natalie as rat teeth marks..(last year they had a rat in the house and had caught it) just saying it was rather startling seeing a rat so close to you all stiff and dead. any way here is a pic.

Tuesday: finally caught up to the current date! Today went good i have been picking different teachers brains on a lot of different things and am trying to be a better teacher for this one student and stuff so some new stuff is going on inside the class room so i would love! Wait need your prayers for me right now that i would turn to God even if it is closing my eyes right in from of my students during class time and asking Him for guidance for all the issues and sper of the moment decisions a teacher has to make all the time. So although today was not easy i can say that it was a step in the right direction.
Well if you actually was able to wade all the way to the end of this long entry i now say good-night and thanks so much for your prayers and don't stop!!! Love Crystal