Well its been a little while since i updated so we will see if we can get that done here and now....there is def. a chance that the now will be postpones a little but we will see. I found out that my computer can get quite vexed at me if i do not restart it when it wants. It will lash out in a variety of different childishness that is quite vexing to one self. But that was just a random note so enjoy! :P
Well...wow time has sprouted wings an flown quite a distance off! My last update was on Feb. 1 now it is the 17th currently so half a month went and forsook me just like that! Well it was also the afternoon right before Shivoni's baptize..that was a really cool moment to read more about that you should go to a next blog by Katrina High. She goes into more detail. (its about at the end of her newest blog i think) From frost bite to mosquito bites: Holy Goosebumps:
School that week was hard the kids were acting up the worst they ever had. Well that week and the week before and it had been pretty bad ever since Christmas vacation but it climaxed those two weeks. But i have to say that last week i had almost no stress at all only a few wild incidence but that was all. And then this week its been going pretty good but my two worst trouble makers have switched roals now. The worst one has settled down but now the other one is really pushing the limits. I don't know lot of the stuff was going on before (so i have my self to blame) but i was so busy with other stuff it is only showing its true colors now that the other stuff has settled down. Like humming quietly and staring at the opposite wall during class time. Having no clue what we are talking about when asked a question or told to do his work. Hitting,pushing,kicking other people when he passes them nothing hard but he knows it will vex them so he keeps it up. Asking him to do something to many times...so now i am dealing with that and his birthday is tomorrow.And i don't want a whole bunch of negative talks and punishments to happen on his birthday!!! So i guess i am making this a prayer request that he will listen and behavior tomorrow in school and have a good birthday were we can focus on positive instead of working out the negative. Well enough about school yes its my life but we don't have to talk about it non-stop......here are some picks and then maybe i will talk about some other stuff like........ my weekends i guess.
kinders in my classroom after school drawling on the board it was fun to interact with some smaller kids.

Happy independence day Grenada!!! Its a big day in Grenada and for weeks before you start seeing people dressed up in the Grenada colors (red,yellow,and green) so the Friday before independence day we all came to school dressed up in independence colors. This year we did not get any work done because we left to go to limes and walk the cross country route which i haven't even told you guys about. for the kindergarten to 2nd grade there is a mile and for 3rd grade on up to 6th its 3 miles that they run. So this Friday we did not run but we walked they route and got use to it.
Nella David and Rebekah
Nella and David (yup my kids favorite pass time while waiting to go somewhere of of school property is to put their backpacks on backwards)
a better quality pic (since my camera fell in water soon after i arrived in Grenada so the pics. you see on my blog are from other people or from my phone which takes not to good pics. which is all of the pics. i this blog except this one and one other later on) of my class (except Darrell ) the best they thought they could do which is half way impressive. This was taken down at Limes after we walked the cross country route. All tinged up in our independence cloth.
L to R
Shane, Leadon, me, Renel
David, Nella, Rebekah
take a look at this in the clouds cute kite!! I asked two of my boys that i knew would do good at it and love it make me a small kite for this project.
Renel my silly little girl. she has one of those gooey balls that ripped over her pony tail.Tried again to take a pic. of the class but that is pretty much impossible. we are getting ready to go down to Limes again (were the other school is) to practice for sports day another activity coming up. Its kinda like the school picnic day at the end of school back in Bonners Ferry. Or that is what i am catching on to..but seeing that i have never participated in a sports day before i wouldn't know to much.
ok about as good as it gets... Oh its crazy how looking a photos conjure up memories you kinda forget to mention. This day Cyle came by to visit the class..he stayed the whole morning. Oh another memories this was the Friday before valentines day so i had given them a card a these little gooey teddy bears that have lights in them...they went crazy with them and totally loved them..so that is was you are observing them holding in these two photos. Shout out to grandma Mast who sent these bears down with Jared!! Thank-you so much for the stuff grandma and my kids loved the bears...
One of the specimens that i got for valentines from Natalie his late cousins are well...gone.
Nella trying the 3 or 4 in the hand at one time (see finished project in later photos...look closely at her sky)
art project today i told them at first that we were coloring and they were not very exited about that but then i showed them the example i made and how they can make the ocean, sky and sun different colors to make it have a cool effect and they found it rather fun then so that was very nice for their teacher. One comment from a kid was 'this isn't a true craft' but then again i call this ART class so i'm still technically right :P (score)
Darrell :P literally
Rebekah (you can tell i took my pics towards the end as some of them are working at cutting of the edges that were not part of the picture.)
mine is so ugly!!! was Shane's comment. humph!! i don't see anything ugly! Do you? I thought his sun had a lot of character and the different colored fins of the dolphin.. ingenious!
Nella's finished product
here you can see the different colored pieces of ocean
under construction
Darrell again..
Ok well i guess its time to talk about my life out of the class room. lets see..for the accual independence day which fell on Sat. this year we as a church and with the Limes church had a picnic at a sports field. Were we had a AMAZING pot of oil down (the national dish) def. something everyone needs to eat at least once in their life time so get down here. :) and some of us dressed up in style again...
Side note because i do not have pics for it. on valentines day we girls with Sarah and Lorie babysat for Chris' and Kendall's. We babysat at Chris' and it was weird sensation to have kids running around and playing with kids in the evening. We are use to kids during the day and with the school setting. But it was weird having kids around in the evening again like at home...enjoyed it but was glad to go home to a quite house..but then again it made me miss home too. #mixedfeelings LOL man!! two things that have changed in the last 7 or 8 months.. 1.using hash tags 2. uses lol not impressed with myself on the lol thing..:( going to stop right now!!! (even though this is probable only the second or third time i have uses it in the last said 7 or 8 months)
And then this Sunday we had a singing at a mental hospital. Its sad that lot of the people are in there because of drugs. And some of that could have been from the people that deal their drug. Some drug dealers if their client doesn't pay up or something they will just give them coke mixed with a next drug that makes people lose their mind. Its so sad... anyway after that we went up to a high point and hung out. here are some cool pics from up there.
Lori and Shivoni

Natalie taking pics..Kayla and Carter i think in the foreground
yup pretty cool huh?
then later on that evening some of us went to the fort...and then went to the guys house for the evening and snacks... chips and dip, pina colada's and good times laughing and getting into deep discussions.
Before i go here is a look at our Sunday lunch. and this is why its nice living with adult lady's..you can build a big salad for lunch or supper and every one is thrilled... To make sure every one know thought i was not the cook this time it was Natalie. Thanks Natalie!! :) ok well this was long and rather random but there it is lady's and gent's
thank-you every one for your support you know who you are prayers, money...
Love, Crystal