Afternoon, June 14, '15
Three and a half weeks yet before I head home for almost 2 months and then back to Grenada. But that is projecting way out there now. I'm ready to see every one at home again and get a brake from school. But I am NOT exited about the staff change over that will be happening just now. Kendall and Ginger and their family as well as James are leaving us so that is not cool. And things feel a little shaky as far as who will take there place. But I guess life moves on and God is faithful to provide. I am also sad about giving up my kids as well. Next year it will be a whole new set of kids...but again life moves on and I'm sure they will worm their way into my heart!
We are transitioning into rainy season right now. We haven't seen to much rain but it feels like its just around the corner. We are having a few heavy, quick rain showers and some hotter weather though.
Life is going pretty well and the mission down here has def. became home to me. Thinking about having one year almost completed makes one feel just a tad sentimental I guess. I've been thinking a lot about the past year and all that has became the norm to me now. Buses, loud music, humidity, friendly culture, walking everywhere, all tile flooring, small church, multiple responsibility, a girl house with out kids running around making noise and messes, black people, (you find yourself looking at white people weirdly). There are only a few of them....
But lets get back to the current news. Well its been long since I've done a update so we will have to start with stale news I guess.
The end of April a senior class came down again to do some work projects and had a game day in the LaBorie pasture for children in the area. They stayed about a week and then left the beginning of April.
hanging out with lollipops
some girls that came up from Hope Dale were Amanda and me have bible club every Tuesday. L to R Jan, Lilly, Tashira and me
Jordan and Makim
football ( soccer )
Amanda and Tishira
Sarah and Kayla having fun
me and Kayla
twins from our bible club
Kenisha and her child Angel
We got a new cutlass for chopping up centipedes.
Here it is on its maiden voyage.
Then came mothers day and for craft the week ahead we made cards to give to our mothers. Here are some of the pictures from making them.
Renel, Shane, and Leadon
Shane and Leadon being clowns
I think this was Leadons or Nella's
Nella playing that her card is a computer.
And then there was also centipedes. This is rather an interesting story to go with this one. While I was taking out the laundry in the washer and I wasn't watching what i was picking up and here there was this dead centipede in the wash that i picked up! It was soooo gross. So we lied it out on this lid to shop the senior girls who were staying at our place. When they came back 20 min. later I told them to go look at it and they insisted on the fact that it was moving. And I didn't believe them till I looked myself and here it was reviving its self after a half an hour or so!! So we promptly chopped it up and ended is life for certain.

The middle of May we had communion and then the 25th we had a holiday called Whit Monday. And schools are closed then. So we as a church went up to Mount Qua Qua and most of us hiked up to the top while others waited for us to come back were we then all ate our pack lunches and then called it a day. It had rained quite a bit so it was rather a soggy muddy ride home on the back of the truck. Were some rather interesting memory's were made.
sitting down at the lake at the bottom of the mountain after the hike and eating our lunch. R to L Katrina, Chris, Lori with Shawn, Sarah, Natalie, me, Amanda.
Pastor Kendall or someone found this dirty piece of sheet and covered himself and Pastor Scott in it on the truck ride down in the rain. and James picking on them.
I took my camera to school one day so here is a day at school on the playgrounds..
Rebekah on the swing.
Renel shooting the basketball
Kenton and David
April, Nella, Taja
playing jump the river
Nella being well Nella
Renel, Darrell, Rebekah, Shane, David
a few of the 1st grade boys Kenton, Josiah Lewis, Josiah Harris
more jump the river
We have been practicing for a chorus program and then finally we were able to sing at two different churches. We will also be singing at two more yet.

towards the end of may a board member came down and we had a joint staff meeting at Hallelujah point. The water was so pretty here.
A sailboat coming in...
the clouds were so pretty
Amanda and house mates.
A nicely shaped tree
Finally to the month of June. We had a youth night with the young people that go to our church some or most of the times.
an American plane taking off
Ramona, Shivoni and Natalie
Alana and Amanda
Natalie, Alana, and Lori
Kiream and James building the fire for our mountain pies
Ryan and his ukulele
Nick, Ramona, and Sarah
at last the fire is started.....
the sunset that evening was very pretty
Things at school are winding up and getting crazy around here. Two weeks ago we had a holiday and then teachers day so the week was only 3 days long. For teachers day we went to Limes one of our things we did was go to the beach and have a sand molding contest.We won.
LaBorie on the top we made the shape of Grenada and then put a few landmarks on it.
Limes and they made the school and the surrounding buildings.
Then last week we had a normal week again. But all week we had crusade in Limes every evening. Then this last Friday though we had all of the school girls from second grade and up at our house for a sleep over. For the evening we went to crusade and they helped do some special singing. and then the next day we went to the beach for the morning. Here is the who crew! All 14 of them!
coloring pictures....
Leah..i love this pic of her just had to put it on..
Well that's it folks.